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Using Sequential Process


CrewAI offers a flexible framework for executing tasks in a structured manner, supporting both sequential and hierarchical processes. This guide outlines how to effectively implement these processes to ensure efficient task execution and project completion.

Sequential Process Overview

The sequential process ensures tasks are executed one after the other, following a linear progression. This approach is ideal for projects requiring tasks to be completed in a specific order.

Key Features

  • Linear Task Flow: Ensures orderly progression by handling tasks in a predetermined sequence.
  • Simplicity: Best suited for projects with clear, step-by-step tasks.
  • Easy Monitoring: Facilitates easy tracking of task completion and project progress.

Implementing the Sequential Process

Assemble your crew and define tasks in the order they need to be executed.

from crewai import Crew, Process, Agent, Task

# Define your agents
researcher = Agent(
  goal='Conduct foundational research',
  backstory='An experienced researcher with a passion for uncovering insights'
analyst = Agent(
  role='Data Analyst',
  goal='Analyze research findings',
  backstory='A meticulous analyst with a knack for uncovering patterns'
writer = Agent(
  goal='Draft the final report',
  backstory='A skilled writer with a talent for crafting compelling narratives'

# Define the tasks in sequence
research_task = Task(description='Gather relevant data...', agent=researcher)
analysis_task = Task(description='Analyze the data...', agent=analyst)
writing_task = Task(description='Compose the report...', agent=writer)

# Form the crew with a sequential process
report_crew = Crew(
  agents=[researcher, analyst, writer],
  tasks=[research_task, analysis_task, writing_task],

Workflow in Action

  1. Initial Task: In a sequential process, the first agent completes their task and signals completion.
  2. Subsequent Tasks: Agents pick up their tasks based on the process type, with outcomes of preceding tasks or manager directives guiding their execution.
  3. Completion: The process concludes once the final task is executed, leading to project completion.


The sequential and hierarchical processes in CrewAI offer clear, adaptable paths for task execution. They are well-suited for projects requiring logical progression and dynamic decision-making, ensuring each step is completed effectively, thereby facilitating a cohesive final product.