Overview of a Task

In the CrewAI framework, a Task is a specific assignment completed by an Agent.

Tasks provide all necessary details for execution, such as a description, the agent responsible, required tools, and more, facilitating a wide range of action complexities.

Tasks within CrewAI can be collaborative, requiring multiple agents to work together. This is managed through the task properties and orchestrated by the Crew’s process, enhancing teamwork and efficiency.

Task Execution Flow

Tasks can be executed in two ways:

  • Sequential: Tasks are executed in the order they are defined
  • Hierarchical: Tasks are assigned to agents based on their roles and expertise

The execution flow is defined when creating the crew:

crew = Crew(
    agents=[agent1, agent2],
    tasks=[task1, task2],
    process=Process.sequential  # or Process.hierarchical

Task Attributes

DescriptiondescriptionstrA clear, concise statement of what the task entails.
Expected Outputexpected_outputstrA detailed description of what the task’s completion looks like.
Name (optional)nameOptional[str]A name identifier for the task.
Agent (optional)agentOptional[BaseAgent]The agent responsible for executing the task.
Tools (optional)toolsList[BaseTool]The tools/resources the agent is limited to use for this task.
Context (optional)contextOptional[List["Task"]]Other tasks whose outputs will be used as context for this task.
Async Execution (optional)async_executionOptional[bool]Whether the task should be executed asynchronously. Defaults to False.
Human Input (optional)human_inputOptional[bool]Whether the task should have a human review the final answer of the agent. Defaults to False.
Config (optional)configOptional[Dict[str, Any]]Task-specific configuration parameters.
Output File (optional)output_fileOptional[str]File path for storing the task output.
Output JSON (optional)output_jsonOptional[Type[BaseModel]]A Pydantic model to structure the JSON output.
Output Pydantic (optional)output_pydanticOptional[Type[BaseModel]]A Pydantic model for task output.
Callback (optional)callbackOptional[Any]Function/object to be executed after task completion.

Creating Tasks

There are two ways to create tasks in CrewAI: using YAML configuration (recommended) or defining them directly in code.

Using YAML configuration provides a cleaner, more maintainable way to define tasks. We strongly recommend using this approach to define tasks in your CrewAI projects.

After creating your CrewAI project as outlined in the Installation section, navigate to the src/latest_ai_development/config/tasks.yaml file and modify the template to match your specific task requirements.

Variables in your YAML files (like {topic}) will be replaced with values from your inputs when running the crew:

crew.kickoff(inputs={'topic': 'AI Agents'})

Here’s an example of how to configure tasks using YAML:

  description: >
    Conduct a thorough research about {topic}
    Make sure you find any interesting and relevant information given
    the current year is 2025.
  expected_output: >
    A list with 10 bullet points of the most relevant information about {topic}
  agent: researcher

  description: >
    Review the context you got and expand each topic into a full section for a report.
    Make sure the report is detailed and contains any and all relevant information.
  expected_output: >
    A fully fledge reports with the mains topics, each with a full section of information.
    Formatted as markdown without '```'
  agent: reporting_analyst
  output_file: report.md

To use this YAML configuration in your code, create a crew class that inherits from CrewBase:

# src/latest_ai_development/crew.py

from crewai import Agent, Crew, Process, Task
from crewai.project import CrewBase, agent, crew, task
from crewai_tools import SerperDevTool

class LatestAiDevelopmentCrew():
  """LatestAiDevelopment crew"""

  def researcher(self) -> Agent:
    return Agent(

  def reporting_analyst(self) -> Agent:
    return Agent(

  def research_task(self) -> Task:
    return Task(

  def reporting_task(self) -> Task:
    return Task(

  def crew(self) -> Crew:
    return Crew(

The names you use in your YAML files (agents.yaml and tasks.yaml) should match the method names in your Python code.

Direct Code Definition (Alternative)

Alternatively, you can define tasks directly in your code without using YAML configuration:

from crewai import Task

research_task = Task(
        Conduct a thorough research about AI Agents.
        Make sure you find any interesting and relevant information given
        the current year is 2025.
        A list with 10 bullet points of the most relevant information about AI Agents

reporting_task = Task(
        Review the context you got and expand each topic into a full section for a report.
        Make sure the report is detailed and contains any and all relevant information.
        A fully fledge reports with the mains topics, each with a full section of information.
        Formatted as markdown without '```'

Directly specify an agent for assignment or let the hierarchical CrewAI’s process decide based on roles, availability, etc.

Task Output

Understanding task outputs is crucial for building effective AI workflows. CrewAI provides a structured way to handle task results through the TaskOutput class, which supports multiple output formats and can be easily passed between tasks.

The output of a task in CrewAI framework is encapsulated within the TaskOutput class. This class provides a structured way to access results of a task, including various formats such as raw output, JSON, and Pydantic models.

By default, the TaskOutput will only include the raw output. A TaskOutput will only include the pydantic or json_dict output if the original Task object was configured with output_pydantic or output_json, respectively.

Task Output Attributes

DescriptiondescriptionstrDescription of the task.
SummarysummaryOptional[str]Summary of the task, auto-generated from the first 10 words of the description.
RawrawstrThe raw output of the task. This is the default format for the output.
PydanticpydanticOptional[BaseModel]A Pydantic model object representing the structured output of the task.
JSON Dictjson_dictOptional[Dict[str, Any]]A dictionary representing the JSON output of the task.
AgentagentstrThe agent that executed the task.
Output Formatoutput_formatOutputFormatThe format of the task output, with options including RAW, JSON, and Pydantic. The default is RAW.

Task Methods and Properties

jsonReturns the JSON string representation of the task output if the output format is JSON.
to_dictConverts the JSON and Pydantic outputs to a dictionary.
strReturns the string representation of the task output, prioritizing Pydantic, then JSON, then raw.

Accessing Task Outputs

Once a task has been executed, its output can be accessed through the output attribute of the Task object. The TaskOutput class provides various ways to interact with and present this output.


# Example task
task = Task(
    description='Find and summarize the latest AI news',
    expected_output='A bullet list summary of the top 5 most important AI news',

# Execute the crew
crew = Crew(

result = crew.kickoff()

# Accessing the task output
task_output = task.output

print(f"Task Description: {task_output.description}")
print(f"Task Summary: {task_output.summary}")
print(f"Raw Output: {task_output.raw}")
if task_output.json_dict:
    print(f"JSON Output: {json.dumps(task_output.json_dict, indent=2)}")
if task_output.pydantic:
    print(f"Pydantic Output: {task_output.pydantic}")

Task Dependencies and Context

Tasks can depend on the output of other tasks using the context attribute. For example:

research_task = Task(
    description="Research the latest developments in AI",
    expected_output="A list of recent AI developments",

analysis_task = Task(
    description="Analyze the research findings and identify key trends",
    expected_output="Analysis report of AI trends",
    context=[research_task]  # This task will wait for research_task to complete

Task Guardrails

Task guardrails provide a way to validate and transform task outputs before they are passed to the next task. This feature helps ensure data quality and provides feedback to agents when their output doesn’t meet specific criteria.

Using Task Guardrails

To add a guardrail to a task, provide a validation function through the guardrail parameter:

from typing import Tuple, Union, Dict, Any

def validate_blog_content(result: str) -> Tuple[bool, Union[Dict[str, Any], str]]:
    """Validate blog content meets requirements."""
        # Check word count
        word_count = len(result.split())
        if word_count > 200:
            return (False, {
                "error": "Blog content exceeds 200 words",
                "code": "WORD_COUNT_ERROR",
                "context": {"word_count": word_count}

        # Additional validation logic here
        return (True, result.strip())
    except Exception as e:
        return (False, {
            "error": "Unexpected error during validation",
            "code": "SYSTEM_ERROR"

blog_task = Task(
    description="Write a blog post about AI",
    expected_output="A blog post under 200 words",
    guardrail=validate_blog_content  # Add the guardrail function

Guardrail Function Requirements

  1. Function Signature:

    • Must accept exactly one parameter (the task output)
    • Should return a tuple of (bool, Any)
    • Type hints are recommended but optional
  2. Return Values:

    • Success: Return (True, validated_result)
    • Failure: Return (False, error_details)

Error Handling Best Practices

  1. Structured Error Responses:
def validate_with_context(result: str) -> Tuple[bool, Union[Dict[str, Any], str]]:
        # Main validation logic
        validated_data = perform_validation(result)
        return (True, validated_data)
    except ValidationError as e:
        return (False, {
            "error": str(e),
            "code": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
            "context": {"input": result}
    except Exception as e:
        return (False, {
            "error": "Unexpected error",
            "code": "SYSTEM_ERROR"
  1. Error Categories:

    • Use specific error codes
    • Include relevant context
    • Provide actionable feedback
  2. Validation Chain:

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

def complex_validation(result: str) -> Tuple[bool, Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]]:
    """Chain multiple validation steps."""
    # Step 1: Basic validation
    if not result:
        return (False, {"error": "Empty result", "code": "EMPTY_INPUT"})

    # Step 2: Content validation
        validated = validate_content(result)
        if not validated:
            return (False, {"error": "Invalid content", "code": "CONTENT_ERROR"})

        # Step 3: Format validation
        formatted = format_output(validated)
        return (True, formatted)
    except Exception as e:
        return (False, {
            "error": str(e),
            "code": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
            "context": {"step": "content_validation"}

Handling Guardrail Results

When a guardrail returns (False, error):

  1. The error is sent back to the agent
  2. The agent attempts to fix the issue
  3. The process repeats until:
    • The guardrail returns (True, result)
    • Maximum retries are reached

Example with retry handling:

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

def validate_json_output(result: str) -> Tuple[bool, Union[Dict[str, Any], str]]:
    """Validate and parse JSON output."""
        # Try to parse as JSON
        data = json.loads(result)
        return (True, data)
    except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
        return (False, {
            "error": "Invalid JSON format",
            "code": "JSON_ERROR",
            "context": {"line": e.lineno, "column": e.colno}

task = Task(
    description="Generate a JSON report",
    expected_output="A valid JSON object",
    max_retries=3  # Limit retry attempts

Getting Structured Consistent Outputs from Tasks

It’s also important to note that the output of the final task of a crew becomes the final output of the actual crew itself.

Using output_pydantic

The output_pydantic property allows you to define a Pydantic model that the task output should conform to. This ensures that the output is not only structured but also validated according to the Pydantic model.

Here’s an example demonstrating how to use output_pydantic:

import json

from crewai import Agent, Crew, Process, Task
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Blog(BaseModel):
    title: str
    content: str

blog_agent = Agent(
    role="Blog Content Generator Agent",
    goal="Generate a blog title and content",
    backstory="""You are an expert content creator, skilled in crafting engaging and informative blog posts.""",

task1 = Task(
    description="""Create a blog title and content on a given topic. Make sure the content is under 200 words.""",
    expected_output="A compelling blog title and well-written content.",

# Instantiate your crew with a sequential process
crew = Crew(

result = crew.kickoff()

# Option 1: Accessing Properties Using Dictionary-Style Indexing
print("Accessing Properties - Option 1")
title = result["title"]
content = result["content"]
print("Title:", title)
print("Content:", content)

# Option 2: Accessing Properties Directly from the Pydantic Model
print("Accessing Properties - Option 2")
title = result.pydantic.title
content = result.pydantic.content
print("Title:", title)
print("Content:", content)

# Option 3: Accessing Properties Using the to_dict() Method
print("Accessing Properties - Option 3")
output_dict = result.to_dict()
title = output_dict["title"]
content = output_dict["content"]
print("Title:", title)
print("Content:", content)

# Option 4: Printing the Entire Blog Object
print("Accessing Properties - Option 5")
print("Blog:", result)

In this example:

  • A Pydantic model Blog is defined with title and content fields.
  • The task task1 uses the output_pydantic property to specify that its output should conform to the Blog model.
  • After executing the crew, you can access the structured output in multiple ways as shown.

Explanation of Accessing the Output

  1. Dictionary-Style Indexing: You can directly access the fields using result[“field_name”]. This works because the CrewOutput class implements the getitem method.
  2. Directly from Pydantic Model: Access the attributes directly from the result.pydantic object.
  3. Using to_dict() Method: Convert the output to a dictionary and access the fields.
  4. Printing the Entire Object: Simply print the result object to see the structured output.

Using output_json

The output_json property allows you to define the expected output in JSON format. This ensures that the task’s output is a valid JSON structure that can be easily parsed and used in your application.

Here’s an example demonstrating how to use output_json:

import json

from crewai import Agent, Crew, Process, Task
from pydantic import BaseModel

# Define the Pydantic model for the blog
class Blog(BaseModel):
    title: str
    content: str

# Define the agent
blog_agent = Agent(
    role="Blog Content Generator Agent",
    goal="Generate a blog title and content",
    backstory="""You are an expert content creator, skilled in crafting engaging and informative blog posts.""",

# Define the task with output_json set to the Blog model
task1 = Task(
    description="""Create a blog title and content on a given topic. Make sure the content is under 200 words.""",
    expected_output="A JSON object with 'title' and 'content' fields.",

# Instantiate the crew with a sequential process
crew = Crew(

# Kickoff the crew to execute the task
result = crew.kickoff()

# Option 1: Accessing Properties Using Dictionary-Style Indexing
print("Accessing Properties - Option 1")
title = result["title"]
content = result["content"]
print("Title:", title)
print("Content:", content)

# Option 2: Printing the Entire Blog Object
print("Accessing Properties - Option 2")
print("Blog:", result)

In this example:

  • A Pydantic model Blog is defined with title and content fields, which is used to specify the structure of the JSON output.
  • The task task1 uses the output_json property to indicate that it expects a JSON output conforming to the Blog model.
  • After executing the crew, you can access the structured JSON output in two ways as shown.

Explanation of Accessing the Output

  1. Accessing Properties Using Dictionary-Style Indexing: You can access the fields directly using result[“field_name”]. This is possible because the CrewOutput class implements the getitem method, allowing you to treat the output like a dictionary. In this option, we’re retrieving the title and content from the result.
  2. Printing the Entire Blog Object: By printing result, you get the string representation of the CrewOutput object. Since the str method is implemented to return the JSON output, this will display the entire output as a formatted string representing the Blog object.

By using output_pydantic or output_json, you ensure that your tasks produce outputs in a consistent and structured format, making it easier to process and utilize the data within your application or across multiple tasks.

Integrating Tools with Tasks

Leverage tools from the CrewAI Toolkit and LangChain Tools for enhanced task performance and agent interaction.

Creating a Task with Tools

import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "Your Key"
os.environ["SERPER_API_KEY"] = "Your Key" # serper.dev API key

from crewai import Agent, Task, Crew
from crewai_tools import SerperDevTool

research_agent = Agent(
  goal='Find and summarize the latest AI news',
  backstory="""You're a researcher at a large company.
  You're responsible for analyzing data and providing insights
  to the business.""",

# to perform a semantic search for a specified query from a text's content across the internet
search_tool = SerperDevTool()

task = Task(
  description='Find and summarize the latest AI news',
  expected_output='A bullet list summary of the top 5 most important AI news',

crew = Crew(

result = crew.kickoff()

This demonstrates how tasks with specific tools can override an agent’s default set for tailored task execution.

Referring to Other Tasks

In CrewAI, the output of one task is automatically relayed into the next one, but you can specifically define what tasks’ output, including multiple, should be used as context for another task.

This is useful when you have a task that depends on the output of another task that is not performed immediately after it. This is done through the context attribute of the task:

# ...

research_ai_task = Task(
    description="Research the latest developments in AI",
    expected_output="A list of recent AI developments",

research_ops_task = Task(
    description="Research the latest developments in AI Ops",
    expected_output="A list of recent AI Ops developments",

write_blog_task = Task(
    description="Write a full blog post about the importance of AI and its latest news",
    expected_output="Full blog post that is 4 paragraphs long",
    context=[research_ai_task, research_ops_task]


Asynchronous Execution

You can define a task to be executed asynchronously. This means that the crew will not wait for it to be completed to continue with the next task. This is useful for tasks that take a long time to be completed, or that are not crucial for the next tasks to be performed.

You can then use the context attribute to define in a future task that it should wait for the output of the asynchronous task to be completed.


list_ideas = Task(
    description="List of 5 interesting ideas to explore for an article about AI.",
    expected_output="Bullet point list of 5 ideas for an article.",
    async_execution=True # Will be executed asynchronously

list_important_history = Task(
    description="Research the history of AI and give me the 5 most important events.",
    expected_output="Bullet point list of 5 important events.",
    async_execution=True # Will be executed asynchronously

write_article = Task(
    description="Write an article about AI, its history, and interesting ideas.",
    expected_output="A 4 paragraph article about AI.",
    context=[list_ideas, list_important_history] # Will wait for the output of the two tasks to be completed


Callback Mechanism

The callback function is executed after the task is completed, allowing for actions or notifications to be triggered based on the task’s outcome.

# ...

def callback_function(output: TaskOutput):
    # Do something after the task is completed
    # Example: Send an email to the manager
        Task completed!
        Task: {output.description}
        Output: {output.raw}

research_task = Task(
    description='Find and summarize the latest AI news',
    expected_output='A bullet list summary of the top 5 most important AI news',


Accessing a Specific Task Output

Once a crew finishes running, you can access the output of a specific task by using the output attribute of the task object:

# ...
task1 = Task(
    description='Find and summarize the latest AI news',
    expected_output='A bullet list summary of the top 5 most important AI news',


crew = Crew(
    tasks=[task1, task2, task3],

result = crew.kickoff()

# Returns a TaskOutput object with the description and results of the task
    Task completed!
    Task: {task1.output.description}
    Output: {task1.output.raw}

Tool Override Mechanism

Specifying tools in a task allows for dynamic adaptation of agent capabilities, emphasizing CrewAI’s flexibility.

Error Handling and Validation Mechanisms

While creating and executing tasks, certain validation mechanisms are in place to ensure the robustness and reliability of task attributes. These include but are not limited to:

  • Ensuring only one output type is set per task to maintain clear output expectations.
  • Preventing the manual assignment of the id attribute to uphold the integrity of the unique identifier system.

These validations help in maintaining the consistency and reliability of task executions within the crewAI framework.

Task Guardrails

Task guardrails provide a powerful way to validate, transform, or filter task outputs before they are passed to the next task. Guardrails are optional functions that execute before the next task starts, allowing you to ensure that task outputs meet specific requirements or formats.

Basic Usage

from typing import Tuple, Union
from crewai import Task

def validate_json_output(result: str) -> Tuple[bool, Union[dict, str]]:
    """Validate that the output is valid JSON."""
        json_data = json.loads(result)
        return (True, json_data)
    except json.JSONDecodeError:
        return (False, "Output must be valid JSON")

task = Task(
    description="Generate JSON data",
    expected_output="Valid JSON object",

How Guardrails Work

  1. Optional Attribute: Guardrails are an optional attribute at the task level, allowing you to add validation only where needed.
  2. Execution Timing: The guardrail function is executed before the next task starts, ensuring valid data flow between tasks.
  3. Return Format: Guardrails must return a tuple of (success, data):
    • If success is True, data is the validated/transformed result
    • If success is False, data is the error message
  4. Result Routing:
    • On success (True), the result is automatically passed to the next task
    • On failure (False), the error is sent back to the agent to generate a new answer

Common Use Cases

Data Format Validation

def validate_email_format(result: str) -> Tuple[bool, Union[str, str]]:
    """Ensure the output contains a valid email address."""
    import re
    email_pattern = r'^[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+\.\w+$'
    if re.match(email_pattern, result.strip()):
        return (True, result.strip())
    return (False, "Output must be a valid email address")

Content Filtering

def filter_sensitive_info(result: str) -> Tuple[bool, Union[str, str]]:
    """Remove or validate sensitive information."""
    sensitive_patterns = ['SSN:', 'password:', 'secret:']
    for pattern in sensitive_patterns:
        if pattern.lower() in result.lower():
            return (False, f"Output contains sensitive information ({pattern})")
    return (True, result)

Data Transformation

def normalize_phone_number(result: str) -> Tuple[bool, Union[str, str]]:
    """Ensure phone numbers are in a consistent format."""
    import re
    digits = re.sub(r'\D', '', result)
    if len(digits) == 10:
        formatted = f"({digits[:3]}) {digits[3:6]}-{digits[6:]}"
        return (True, formatted)
    return (False, "Output must be a 10-digit phone number")

Advanced Features

Chaining Multiple Validations

def chain_validations(*validators):
    """Chain multiple validators together."""
    def combined_validator(result):
        for validator in validators:
            success, data = validator(result)
            if not success:
                return (False, data)
            result = data
        return (True, result)
    return combined_validator

# Usage
task = Task(
    description="Get user contact info",
    expected_output="Email and phone",

Custom Retry Logic

task = Task(
    description="Generate data",
    expected_output="Valid data",
    max_retries=5  # Override default retry limit

Creating Directories when Saving Files

You can now specify if a task should create directories when saving its output to a file. This is particularly useful for organizing outputs and ensuring that file paths are correctly structured.

# ...

save_output_task = Task(
    description='Save the summarized AI news to a file',
    expected_output='File saved successfully',



Tasks are the driving force behind the actions of agents in CrewAI. By properly defining tasks and their outcomes, you set the stage for your AI agents to work effectively, either independently or as a collaborative unit. Equipping tasks with appropriate tools, understanding the execution process, and following robust validation practices are crucial for maximizing CrewAI’s potential, ensuring agents are effectively prepared for their assignments and that tasks are executed as intended.