

Firecrawl is a platform for crawling and convert any website into clean markdown or structured data.


  • Get an API key from and set it in environment variables (FIRECRAWL_API_KEY).
  • Install the Firecrawl SDK along with crewai[tools] package:
pip install firecrawl-py 'crewai[tools]'


Utilize the FirecrawlScrapeWebsiteTool as follows to allow your agent to load websites:

from crewai_tools import FirecrawlScrapeWebsiteTool

tool = FirecrawlScrapeWebsiteTool(url='')


  • api_key: Optional. Specifies Firecrawl API key. Defaults is the FIRECRAWL_API_KEY environment variable.
  • url: The URL to scrape.
  • page_options: Optional.
    • onlyMainContent: Optional. Only return the main content of the page excluding headers, navs, footers, etc.
    • includeHtml: Optional. Include the raw HTML content of the page. Will output a html key in the response.
  • extractor_options: Optional. Options for LLM-based extraction of structured information from the page content
    • mode: The extraction mode to use, currently supports ‘llm-extraction’
    • extractionPrompt: Optional. A prompt describing what information to extract from the page
    • extractionSchema: Optional. The schema for the data to be extracted
  • timeout: Optional. Timeout in milliseconds for the request